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Jared Hoke

by Hoke Ley

Jared Hoke


Jared Hoke has extensive experience focusing on highly-detailed custom homes, multi-family residences, and equestrian facilities. Additionally, his portfolio is comprised of mixed-use developments, residential-scale landscape planning, and international ecological city master planning. Early in his career, Jared pursued an 18-month opportunity to work within a university setting in Copenhagen, Denmark. This immersion into a culture with rich design tradition instilled a rigorous approach to create simple yet refined, thoughtful yet understated architectural spaces that seamlessly interact with their environments.

Jared is a licensed architect in the states of Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska. He is a member of AIA Kansas and AIA Kansas City since 2016.

Jared has served as a guest juror on numerous design studio juries for the University of Kansas and Kansas State University architecture programs. He also coaches youth basketball and flag football teams in Lawrence.